Harlow Heslop’s ‘Blogger Challenge’

Harlow Heslop’s ‘Blogger Challenge’

There’s a blogger challenge underway that you may have heard of called the ‘Inspire Challenge’.
It’s been created by the always-awesome Harlow Heslop, and asks that we pick a fellow blogger that inspires us and write a little about them, as well as take a snap of them and feature it on our blogs.

Well, to be honest I would never ask my pick, Strawberry Singh, to pose for a picture because A) I’m sure she’s too darn busy being photographed by all the other bloggers who have cited her as inspiration and B) I’m too scared to ask, LOL!

There are LOTS of blogs that I visit, but the one that I return to again and again is Strawberry’s. The reason? Well,there are many, but above all else I just adore her website.  It’s easy to navigate and is always choc-full of useful features; whether about fashion or about other topics pertaining to the virtual universe.

But what makes Berry’s blog stand out from the rest has to be the astonishing photography AND the tutorials that she painstakingly creates and that I constantly refer to.
I’ve come to realise that many questions about my Second Life set-up can be answered by a quick scour of Berry’s blog…it’s simply an astonishing resource.

I admit I’m in complete awe of her, and I’m totally envious of Berry’s work and don’t mind saying it! Hers is the kind of blog that I can only dream to replicate. Sadly I just don’t have the time or energy in real-life to devote so much of myself to such an enterprise. In fact, there’s no doubt in my mind that Strawberry must think, eat, sleep and breathe Second Life 24/7.  She has to, or else she wouldn’t create a blog of such magnitude.

It must be a real labour of love for her to create such an inspirational resource, but she does it so beautifully,  and the day that Berry stops blogging will be the day I hang up my virtual hat for good.

The times that I have lost my Second Life mojo and have been pulled back in by Berry are countless, let me tell you..!

I should also do a few honourable mentions: Felicity Blumenthal, Ana Lutetia, Celebrity Trollop and Sydd Sinister are just some of the other bloggers that I love to read and admire for their brilliant writing, stunning visuals and awesome achievements at promoting this amazing virtual world that we all call home.

Seriously, Linden Labs should give you all medals!

Please, never stop doing what you do.  It adds another dimension to our metaverse, and it would be such a drab place if it weren’t for bloggers like you, whipping up virtual frenzies galore.  Thank you all.

2 thoughts on “Harlow Heslop’s ‘Blogger Challenge’

  1. This is such a great post and I’m so glad you shared! Berry rocks so hard. Her blog is inspiring to many! Yours is great as well! Thanks for sharing and taking part in the challenge! ❤


  2. I don’t even know what to say. Thank you so much Kitty. ❤ You should have asked me cuz I totally would have posed for you! LOL Nobody ever takes my pic! hahaha

    But thank you, I've been kind of taking a break from SL this summer. Been feeling a bit unmotivated to login or even blog, so reading this right now really helps, you have no idea!!! TY <33333


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