Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Thank you all, dear Kittyreaders, for sticking by me through thick and thin. It has been a rough year in RL for me and I’m ready to start 2020 feeling fresh, fancy and new.

It’s my 13th Rez Day on 30th December!!!!!

I never thought I’d be still in Second Life all these years later, let alone still blogging about it but there’s still so much to see, to try and to fall in love with.

I’m going to try to get back into a better blogging routine so I can share more of the best of Second Life with you. I hope to explore the virtual world a tad more in the new year (especially now I’ve got a wonderful new graphics card, thank you to my beloved for that!)

What do I want to see in-world in SL in 2020? More people to experience what SL is truly about. Since mesh arrived I’ve been truly in awe of some of the creations that I’ve seen this year, and mesh heads and bodies have significantly changed the game for all of us. Add Bento into the mix and well, we’ve come a long way baby!

I’m grateful to Linden Lab for keeping this world of wonder going for so long. I do think that in 2020 they need to concentrate on Second Life rather than Sansar, which just hasn’t taken off in the way that they thought it would. Second Life is still turning a profit, so it’s only right that it should be their priority. I want to see new innovations for us avatars to enjoy, along with more benefits for being members. I don’t think that resident opinions are taken account of in the way that they should be either, and I feel that has been the way for far too long. Perhaps the dawning of the new decade will see the changes that Second Life needs to keep growing, expanding and being a place that so many love. I’m proud to be in Second Life, and always will be. Here’s to 2020 making me even prouder to be an avatar!

(Dress is from Erratic, it’s called ‘Yennifer’ and it’s bloody gorgeous, perfect for a NYE party! Headband is a free gift from Yummy! and I heartily suggest you go and grab one because it comes with one of those thingybobs that you stick in your chops and blow and it unrolls and basically annoys the hell out of everyone, so yeah, there’s that….)

I always have, I always will..

I always have, I always will..

There is magic all around you...As long as my arse looks south I will always, ALWAYS buy the releases that Nylon Pinkney (Nylon Outfitters) and her RL sister Polyester Partridge (Yummy) create because they never disappoint. For me, these two designers represent all that is fantastic about our virtual world. They craft such beautiful, quirky designs and they’re just so damn refreshing. The colours they use in their designs, their artistry and the way that they present their work is totally my thing.  They continually impress me.

This month at Collabor88 Nylon has released some glorious underwear. Now, for some reason in recent months ( and I know I’ve mentioned this before, but anyway) I’ve become obsessed with virtual underwear. Readers, there is so much good stuff out there, both mesh designs and body appliers,  that it’s basically booty heaven.  In real life, I’m all about simplicity when it comes to my undercrackers. I’m not the kind of lass who can afford to shop at Agent Provocateur, for example, BUT in Second Life I can live out my luxury lingerie dreams with no problems at all.

If you’re reading this: Nylon, you’re totally an enabler, just putting it out there, LOL! 

The gorgeous applier undergarments for Spring which you can grab at C88, come in plain or country lace. I say plain, but they’re anything but. Delicious details abound, suggesting frilly lace and delicate pattern. The sets are Maitreya and Omega compatible, and for some reason, I decided to go for yellow. Not a colour I normally go for, but it spoke to me, and I’m so happy I invested. I feel pretty, girly, fresh and feminine.

I dunno why but these made me feel very happy. I don’t really like the idea of wandering around the grid with no knickers on under my mesh garments, and generally, I mask my lady areas so if anyone tries to cam up my skirt they see nothing. It may sound daft, but comforts me when I see lovely undies such as these on sale across the grid.  Why not give these a whirl at C88? Here’s your taxi! 

(Incidentally, details of the skin, hair and cosmetics that I’m wearing can be found HERE)


I’ll Tumble For Ya!

I’ll Tumble For Ya!

I'll Tumble For Ya!I will never tire of how SECOND LIFE fashion really challenges me to create new looks and wear things I wouldn’t normally try in a month of Sundays.  Here’s an example, I really wouldn’t have given this EN VOGUE ‘Milly’ hair a second glance had I not thought, “Oh to hell with it, just try it” and I’m so glad I did! I balked at the idea of the voluminous plait piled on top of the head, but it works beautifully.  There’s an almost 1940’s vibe to the style and I think it would work extremely well styled in a Rockabilly/Vintage fashion with a tied shirt and jeans, but I’m wearing it with a cracking group members freebie from CYNFUL. This is the ‘Cynnosence’ dress and you’ll get three different colour combinations in your gift, ready to fit Slink, Belleza or Maitreya bodies. I really love all the colour combos but I had an urge to wear blue, so I did! I added some of my favourite ZOOM shades ( I often wear glasses in SL, contrary to popular belief you do get plenty of passes!) and the very latest GLAMISTRY release, these exceptionally cute ‘Hortensia’ heels.amatorum_007  They’re a simple heel style embellished with a bow, and of course, the shoes come replete with the famous GLAMISTRY colour-change HUD meaning that you can mix and match your footwear to match your style, which is precisely what I did. A fat pack of these beauties costs just L$479 and I really encourage you to treat yo’self! 14435021_1218878168176149_4057780784066333463_oAs a final note, I want to draw your attention to my rather splendid head.  This is ‘Tumble’ from CATWA and it is quite possibly my favourite head release yet; I love the softness of the face shape in the cheek area and the overall feeling of roundness to this release.CATWA HEAD TumbleSee what I mean? Despite the fleshiness to the main body of the face the overall look is really quite delicate and youthful, and of course, she’s transformed by whichever skin applier you choose to wear. Using the animation HUDS she’s incredibly expressive and an absolute dream to wear. I don’t get chatted up very often in SECOND LIFE these days, but, I have to say that wearing ‘Tumble’ has changed all that for some reason!snapshot_011The combination of this CATWA head and the AMARA BEAUTY ‘Priya’ skin (which I refuse point blank to stop wearing at the moment, it’s glorious!) just seems to be bringing all the boys to my yard. They can sod off though; if there are any milkshakes to be had I’m calling first dibs…amatorum_004Here’s your shopping list-ENJOY!


SKIN: AMARA BEAUTY ‘PRIYA’ CATWA applier /MAITREYA body applier in 02 Ivory

(Kitty wears this on Catwa ‘Tumble’ mesh head and Maitreya ‘Lara’ body, eyeshadow and lipstick from Priya palette) 

EYES: IKON ‘Triumph Eyes’ in  ‘Storm’

EARS: L’ETRE Gem pierced ears

HAIRBASE: L’ETRE‘Candy’ (Black)

HAIR: enVOGUE HAIR ‘Milly’ Ombres

DRESSCynful Cynnosence – Maitreya Lara – Version 3

SHOESGlamistry : ‘Hortensia’ heels


SEPTUM: ARISE Calla Septum / Black_Gold

RINGS: Kibitz – Nightmare ring set – left – copper

GLASSES: [Z O O M] Clubber Glasses

I’m back-did you miss me?

I’m back-did you miss me?

Witchy Wednesday - 'Minimal' ChokerI’ve missed you guys too, but sometimes you need to take a break, and I’ve had a jolly good one.  I’ve been away from the blog for almost a month, and I confess I haven’t missed Second Life at all.

We’ve had a relatively decent summer here in deepest, darkest Derbyshire so instead of enjoying the fact that it never rains (unless you want it to) in Second Life, I’ve stepped out from behind my keyboard and  relished that fact that, just for a change, it actually hasn’t been raining too much in real life either!

In fact I’ve been out and about, catching Pokemon aplenty in the local park (Level 22 y’all) and not even thinking about SL.  That’s not to say I haven’t missed it because I have, but I haven’t felt the intense pressure to log-in at all this summer, other than to pay my rent.

I’ve often said it, but when Second Life becomes a chore it’s time to leave. You’d be surprised how many times I’ve seen Plurk friends who also happen to be bloggers say that they don’t want to log-in. Usually, this is because they’re over-stretched by blogging commitments and who can blame them with the amount of events and designers that we have in-world now?

This year, in particular,  I’ve seen many people leave; from store owners to sim owners who have just realised that Second Life, for them at least, has served the purpose it was meant to and it’s time for them to move on.  Let’s be realistic; Second Life has been around for a long time now and it’s only reasonable to expect that some people will feel that they’ve gone as far with it as they can and it’s time to switch to pastures new. Perhaps these people will be tempted to return in some way when Project Sansar hits the grid? Who knows, but I can understand their feelings and appreciate that sometimes as the virtual fixation starts to fade, the compulsion to log in starts to leave and real life takes over completely.

Leaving Second Life has never been an option for me. I genuinely do adore it way too much and have invested too much time and money into my virtual space to consider leaving permanently.  But a sanity break is often required, and in fact it’s something I recommend.  I have been through my total addiction phase, where you eat, sleep and breathe Second life and forget that you have an identity outside of the virtual world, but for some people the lines are so blurred that it’s hard to appreciate where the real life and virtual personalities separate, and that’s precisely why a break is so important, plus you come back with fresh eyes ready for a change; whether that’s a completely new avatar or even a sparkling new skybox; being refreshed and reinvigorated helps the Second Life adventure start over,  all shiny and new again.

I’m buzzing with new ideas about features and articles for my blog. I was writing down in my notebook last night ideas for themed postings in the lead up to Christmas, but before then we have my favourite time of year to be in SL, Halloween. I’m even considering a complete remodel of the blog (and if anyone reading can help me with that I’d really appreciate it!)

I confess that before my break I was starting to feel really fatigued by all the events that are overwhelming the grid and an element of ‘sameness’ was starting to creep in.  I was starting to see the same kinds of  clothes,  hairstyles and furnishings everywhere I looked and it wasn’t making me feel inspired enough to even consider putting pen to paper, let alone log-in.  Then, of course, there  was the whole sorry saga regarding the Oculus Rift viewer, or lack of it.  If you recall I was aghast that there was no viewer, and after my post went viral Linden Lab finally released one that was absolutely appalling and unusable, and unsurprisingly no sooner had it been released then it was withdrawn. This all left me feeling very disillusioned and I needed my time out.Now after my break  I’m back to my favourite feeling of all; that eager anticipation that builds up during the afternoon before I leave work.  I arrive home, get changed and pour a glass of wine before I settle down at my PC and log-in..

It’s been a great summer, but it’s so good to be back, and I’m straight back into it with some items from *gulp* the FETISH FAIR 2016, from WE DO SL. It’s a professionally styled and easy to navigate occasion and is rather more focused towards elegant kink than sleaze, and you’ll find a wonderful array of wearables of all kinds that fit the fetish theme.  Of course, skins are going to be a huge deal at an event like this and AMARA BEAUTY have provided a duo of absolutely top notch skins at this event.  In the snap above I’m sporting the AMARA BEAUTY ‘Kandi’ skin in Ivory. I’ve added a layer of glorious light fuschia lipstick from the accompanying lip palette along with adding lashes and eyeliner (that is practically a spot-on match to the lips) from EUPHORIC @ the latest round of COSMOPOLITAN. To finish, I’m wearing my favourite pierced ears and hairbase from L’ETRE, along with a septum piercing by  MONS and of course I rarely wear any eyes unless they’re from IKON.  My hair is by BESOM, and my jewellery is a fantastic choker by MINIMAL.  I’ll be sharing some more images from FETISH FAIR 2016 over the next few days..