Skin Fair 2020 is something that I’ve covered frequently over the years and it’s always a top notch event, and this year looks like a corker. Of course it’s always a nightmare getting into the event for the first few days, so joining the Pale Girl Productions group is an absolute must to get your demos while you wait to get in.

I’ve always loved designers like AMARA BEAUTY, PINK FUEL, BOLD AND BEAUTY but I have a special place in my heart for NAR MATTARU, and when I saw the preview of their exclusive SKIN FAIR 2020 release, ‘Aela’ I knew come hell or high water I had to get it. I didn’t fancy my chances of getting in, but I was surprised that after a few minutes of frenzied attempts at TP’ing in I got, and straight over to the NAR MATTARU booth. Hurrah!

It’s a gorgeous skin, it really is. I hope you can tell that by looking at this photo, and it’s comes with a load of extras for a remarkably reasonable price.

Included in the face package (Incidentally, I’m wearing it on the original GENUS ‘Baby Face’ head) are four brow colors (plus no brows version), an HD nude lip applier and few extra treats including moles, freckles, eyeliner and lashes. (I’m wearing the liner and lashes and brows in this shot, I’m just wearing a bog standard GENUS applier lipstick from the ‘Baby Face’ HUD) There are 8 tones available, I decided to purchase ‘Glow’, and it really does.

Face applier (Genus + BOM) costs L$1099, and body applier costs L$349

Stunning, isn’t she?

Hair by Doux
Outfit by Oubliette
Rings by Yummy
Pose by Kokolores
Attitude? Kitty’s own…

Party like it’s a new decade!

Party like it’s a new decade!

I think it’s a fair assumption to say that for most of us, 2019 has been a bit of a stinker of a year. For me personally it’s been an absolutely horrible time, and I will be celebrating with my beloved and generally being very chuffed that we can tell 2019 to piddle off into the sunset.

2020: new decade, new beginnings and all that….

If you want to bring 2020 in in style then you MUST get yourselves over to UBER SL to see what Ria Bazar has created for us. It’s an absolutely glorious table and tableware set, with plates that rez actual food and glasses that rez water and your preferred alcohol selection, along with a drinks trolley that you can fill with a champagne tower and confetti and balloons galore!

The marble table and matching drinks trolley are accompanied with bang on trend clear plastic seating. You can simply rez the whole lot in a few seconds using the rezzer included in the entire package. It’s like magic. You can also buy parts individually which is super convenient, I for one know there will be elements of this set that I will be keeping on display at home well into the new decade.

The thing with Ria’s work is it’s ALWAYS been about the details, and there are plenty of those on display from the patterned and functional tableware to the food that you can rez in your bowls. It’s a lot of fun to discover whats on the menu so I won’t list it all and spoil it all for you; but who knew there were so many risotto options?

I placed my drinks cart to the side and decorated it with a couple of bottles of plonk, a fabulous champagne glass tower and on the bottom shelf I added the ‘Countdown Clock’ cake from Andika, also available at UBER SL

I’ve basically rezzed all of it along with the number balloons and it looks absolutely great. I’m not sure if anyone will come to the party, but jokes on them if they miss out on all this lovely, lovely booze and food and cake! I’ve developed an extra chin and love handle over Christmas, won’t hurt to add a few more inches…

The entire set costs a measly L$589, but parts of it are also available separately (all prices in Linden dollars, obviously):

Table: L$129

Chair: L$159

Place setting: L$119

Boxed Balloon: L$49

Champagne: L$25

Rose: L$25


Champagne tower: L$49

Confetti: L$25

Texture options include: gold, silver and rose gold.

Number Balloons set costs L$329, with individual numbers on sale for L$49 (Again, the set includes gold, silver and rose gold options)

I’ve said it before and it bears repeating, Ria Bazar REALLY puts the effort into her work and this is a creation that will give you a lot of joy, not just on New Year’s Eve but throughout 2020 and beyond.

Click here to go to UBER SL to purchase

Blessed Kittymas!

Blessed Kittymas!

Here’s wishing a wonderful Yuletide to all of my readers; one of the issues I’ve experienced this year is that due to an aging PC I haven’t been able to run SL effectively. Anyone in-world will understand that can cause a real problem and ultimately render logging in a challenging experience, to the point that it puts you off going online at all.

Well, ‘Santa’ has blessed me with some brand new hardware for my PC and I swear it’s like running on butter. I can now use high graphics card settings again, depth of is, as a famous song would suggest, a ‘whole new world’

So here’s to 2019, bugger off you rancid pile of potato dung. I’ve had a shit year. I know many people who also have had the same; here’s hoping 2020 and the start of out new decade will be kinder. (Incidentally I will be back before NYE to share a gorgeous set that Ria Bazar has just released and you may want to consider for any New year shindig you plan on having; until then, have a wonderfully festive time!)

Kitty Wanders: The Apothecary

Kitty Wanders: The Apothecary

Apothecary_001.pngMy soul needed some soothing today, so I took a trip to THE APOTHECARY, for some ‘medicine’. By medicine I mean the kind of tranquil, mindful exploring that you can only conduct in Second Life in a sim as beautiful as this.

One of the things I’ve always loved about Second Life is the willingness of creators to share beautifully designed and decorated sims with others. Oftentimes I’ll just log in and sit in my skybox, I find a strange peace in doing that (and I know that I’m not the only one who does!)  but I also love to wander and explore.

Apothecary_003.pngI love beautifully decorated homes and spaces in particular, and some people just have the knack for creating them. Harlow Heslop certainly does; she’s been the proprietress of many a loved establishment over the years and The Apothecary contrasts her trademark stylings of soft furnishings and artfully placed knick-knacks against an inviting, natural landscape where you can roam, dance and explore.  I highly suggest that you visit, either alone or with friends, and enjoy the relaxing vibe that this glorious environment delivers.Apothecary_005.png