Berry’s Memes: Autumn Challenge

Berry’s Memes: Autumn Challenge


Another Monday, another Meme Challenge from Berrycakes!  

The instructions are simple: Take an Autumn inspired picture and/or answer the following questions about autumn (Don’t forget to leave a link in the comments of Berry’s blog to your post!) 

1. Is Autumn your favorite season? Why or why not?
It sure is! I think this is because I’m your typical Earth-sign, a Virgo born on the 13th September.  I’ve always thought of Autumn as ‘my’ season. The shades of this time of year  are the palette of colours that feature most in my wardrobe, and I love the way the trees change from lush greens to fiery reds and golden browns. I also love the smells and sounds of Autumn; the crackle of leaves underfoot and the smell of bonfires and roasting chestnuts. It’s a magical season if you ask me.

2. Do you call it Autumn or Fall?
Autumn.  The only time I have ever heard it called ‘Fall’ is in American movies.

3. What kind of weather does your area get during this season?
Well the weather is strange at the moment because we’ve had four days of glorious golden sunshine here in the UK. It’s been better than summer, although obviously the nights are getting really cold. I’ve had to wear a jumper a few times now, and beloved has even put the heating on a few times too, but all in all it’s been rather grand. As I’m writing this the sun is blazing down  onto my desk. This another reason why I’ve always loved Autumn, it’s not too hot and it’s not too cold, it’s just right in my opinion.

4. Which color do you always associate with autumn?
My favourite colour, Maroon. But the palette of colours associated with this time of year is just sensational!

5. Which Autumn themed sim is your favorite at the moment?
Has to be ‘The Trace’, which I wouldn’t know  about if it wasn’t for Caitlin Thomas’s post about it. I’m sure there are many other Autumnal sims waiting for me to discover them though!

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