Now, here’s a thing. I’ve had such a positive response to my last post that I’ve decided to go the whole hog and do SEVEN DAYS WORTH OF DENIM!!!

I must be mad. I mean, I like denim, but not that much. In fact, that’s something that’s currently being reflected worldwide; sales of jeans by brands such as Levi and Wrangler are absolutely plummeting, and that’s a shame because denim is iconic.  Heck, I can remember falling in love with Nick Kamen and being completely enraptured by every single 501 advert that was subsequently broadcast.

So let’s have a play and see what we can do in the virtual world with this most fantastic of fabrics!  I think this challenge is going to be a lot of fun, and will give you some cracking ideas on how to style denim pieces lurking in the corners of your inventory.

Let’s begin: Here’s my look for Sunday (today, click on the pictures to see them in extreme close-up)  To start I’ve kept it nice and simple. I left my denim top and crystals on that I featured in my last post, but decided to make the look a little more polished. To do that I added the fabulous jacket from THE SECRET STORE that I threw a fit over a few posts back, as well as a gorgeous teal skirt that I picked up as a Fifty Linden Friday bargain, and I really don’t wear nearly as much as I should…

seven days of denimTo finish I’m wearing my favourite bunches, a style called ‘Shade’ by MAGIKA. To tie the tones together I’ve opted to keep my gorgeous NAR MATTARU ‘Skye’ skin, and make-up wise I’ve kept the eyeliner but opted for soft shades to coordinate with the colours in my hair and outfit. What do you think? I confess, I think it works quite well! No wonder I look so astonished! Add a satchel, some glasses and flats and you have a sort of schoolgirl chic look..yum!

Would you like to participate in this meme challenge? I’d love to see what you can come up with, so please have a rummage in your inventory and get your denim on!

I suppose I’d better come up with some rules for this challenge, so here we go: You can wear as many denim pieces as you like, my only condition is that there MUST be at least one denim item in your outfit.  

Take a picture, tell us what inspired your look and please add a link in the comments so that we can all go and see your work! (A link back to this blog would be mighty appreciated too!)

Kitty Wears:

Hair: ‘Shade’ (Hud 03) by MAGIKA

Eyes: ‘Maya’ by IKON

Eyeliner and Septum Ring by MONS

Skin: ‘Skye’ tone 3 by NAR MATTARU (worn with ‘Brown Sugar’ eyeshadow under the eyeliner)

Top: Denim Top in ‘Indigo’ by BUENO at KUSTOM 9

Jacket: ‘Noah’ jacket in Coal by THE SECRET STORE

Necklace: Crystal Necklace by YUMMY

Skirt: FLF Exclusive Linen Skirt by NYU




Jacket front

 One of the reasons I’m so addicted to Second Life, as I’ve probably said many, many times before, is that I get to live vicariously ‘through’ my avatar. 

For example, Kitty gets to wear things that I can only ever dream about.

In real life I’m a bit of a chunky monkey, not that I care especially as I’m happy just the way I am (The horror! Someone who is fine about their flab! Have I no shame?!), but in Second Life I tend towards a more slender yet curvaceous figure.

In other words, I actually have a waist instead of a spare tyre..oh the humanity, so boxy jackets have become a thing for me in recent months. You may have read my post from December 2013  where I waxed lyrical about the  EMERY Denim Jacket, which is to my mind still one of the best jackets in-world and brilliant for teaming with other items like long dresses and skirts and the like, but I’m always on the look out for another for my collection.
And I’ve just  found it.

Now, when I heard that C88 was going to be a ‘Safari Chic’ theme I have to confess I was a tad disappointed because to me Safaris automatically conjure up images of Victorian moustached men-types proudly showing off the latest beast that they’ve shot and are shipping home to their parlours to be stuffed. I can’t say I’m keen on hunting, especially big-game which I think is the most pointless and cruel kind. So my initial thoughts were that I’d give C88 a miss this round.

But I haven’t, and boy am I glad I changed my mind because if I hadn’t ventured forth and battled my way through the crowds I’d have missed out on so much. In fact, I’ve brought an absolute shit-ton of amazing fashion at this month’s event already, and I’ll be sharing it with you this week, but by gum I MUST tell you about this jacket. OH MY GODS JUST LOOK AT THIS RUDDY JACKET! Isn’t it PERFECT?!

It’s from THE SECRET STORE and is the kind of jacket that I have been after for an absolute age. It’s more formal than my denim number, but still casual enough to wear anywhere without looking out of place. It’s one of those items that you see and automatically stop in your tracks and squeal “I NEED THIS!!” in a pathetic manner. It’s a banquet on a stick of jacket happy.

For a start the shape is beautiful. There are no sharp angles or zips, just undulating curves and a lovely, slightly raised neckline too. I’m incredibly taken by the fact that there is no random frippery and fanciful decoration to the front either. To be honest I’m sure it would have looked swell with buttons and adornments of all types, but for me it is absolutely stonking just as it is, with pockets to the breast that are neither fussy nor boring, instead they sit flush to the fabric and are just enough to stop the front from looking too plain.

The shoulders do see some militaristic detail; there are buttons, but they don’t scream “Look at me! I’m a military jacket!” at you, they’re quite subtle and unobtrusive really. The sleeves are a delight; a little gathered at the top to create a slightly puffy appearance, but not so much that the jacket tips into the Gothic realm. They are finished nicely too, with the cuffs ending neatly on the wrist.

Jacket back

The back of the jacket is just as excellent as the front. It’s gathered into the middle and is finished with the same button detail that featured on the shoulders, but again it’s not too ostentatious. The detailing on the buttons is rather good and the creasing that is etched into the whole item is very authentic looking. I can’t quite work out what the fabric is; in close up it seems to be some sort of herringbone linen/cotton mix, but I can’t tell. (I do know that if you swap the buttons for some with a touch of bling and change the fabric to velvet you’ll have the perfect going out jacket for Autumn/Winter- there you go THE SECRET STORE, you can have that idea for free! )

But I digress. This is a really smashing item and one that you really should include in your virtual wardrobe. I’ve invested in the black option, BUT there are ten colours available and if you can splash out on the fat pack at L$888 then I’d strongly suggest that you do. This singular item will finish off so many outfits beautifully that it would be almost scandalous to not own the ‘Noah Jacket’ in every tantalising option.

I’ve teamed it with another absolutely cracking find, the Kafue Mini-Skirt by BAIASTICE. It always gives me a lot of pleasure to see Sissy Pessoa’s latest designs because she’s worked so hard to become one of the most successful labels on the grid and really deserves her place among the fashion elite. The Kafue skirt is another example of a simple idea executed beautifully by Sissy, featuring a stylish belt that sits on the waist and a skirt in either pattern or plain fabric. Sissy always makes great fabric choices I think, and this skirt offers some great options and will offer heaps of wear. Of course, I had to have the cat print, but there are ten colours and six prints to choose from in the range at just L$88 a pop.

Last but not least, on my feet I’m sporting some rather splendid recycled tyre sandals courtesy of BOOM. This work so well that I think I’ll be wearing them for the entirety of my virtual summer! You all know what a texture whore I am, and these have been textured perfectly to represent their origins; when you zoom in you can ‘see’ the dimples and roughness that suggests they’re recycled items. There’s a tarnished look to the buckles and a suggestion of a cork inner-sole too. They look really comfy actually! They can only be worn with SLink flat feet, but that’s no hardship; throw on your favourite nail lacquer and your feet will look a treat!

Finally, I found some cracking poses at COLLABOR88 that I really do need to mention. They’re from PURPLE POSES (a guest at this month’s event) and I confess I hadn’t heard of the brand before. As soon as I’d purchased these I knew I wanted more, so I popped over to Audrey Guter’s studio where I was pretty dazzled by the range on offer all at really decent prices too! The set available at C88 is called ‘Rachel‘ and they’re really nice modelling poses that I can see myself using lots in the future, not just in this post. Sometimes you just want a pose that isn’t too Avant-garde, but still suggests movement and will look great in photos without too much hassle; these poses fit the bill and are just what I was after.

I would say go and buy all of these items right now, but seeing as it’s day one of C88 you don’t need me to tell you that your chances of getting in first try are slim to none!

Instead, why not check out the Flickr feed or the official blog for a while before you try your luck. And trust me when I say it’s definitely worth it!