Now, here’s a thing. I’ve had such a positive response to my last post that I’ve decided to go the whole hog and do SEVEN DAYS WORTH OF DENIM!!!

I must be mad. I mean, I like denim, but not that much. In fact, that’s something that’s currently being reflected worldwide; sales of jeans by brands such as Levi and Wrangler are absolutely plummeting, and that’s a shame because denim is iconic.  Heck, I can remember falling in love with Nick Kamen and being completely enraptured by every single 501 advert that was subsequently broadcast.

So let’s have a play and see what we can do in the virtual world with this most fantastic of fabrics!  I think this challenge is going to be a lot of fun, and will give you some cracking ideas on how to style denim pieces lurking in the corners of your inventory.

Let’s begin: Here’s my look for Sunday (today, click on the pictures to see them in extreme close-up)  To start I’ve kept it nice and simple. I left my denim top and crystals on that I featured in my last post, but decided to make the look a little more polished. To do that I added the fabulous jacket from THE SECRET STORE that I threw a fit over a few posts back, as well as a gorgeous teal skirt that I picked up as a Fifty Linden Friday bargain, and I really don’t wear nearly as much as I should…

seven days of denimTo finish I’m wearing my favourite bunches, a style called ‘Shade’ by MAGIKA. To tie the tones together I’ve opted to keep my gorgeous NAR MATTARU ‘Skye’ skin, and make-up wise I’ve kept the eyeliner but opted for soft shades to coordinate with the colours in my hair and outfit. What do you think? I confess, I think it works quite well! No wonder I look so astonished! Add a satchel, some glasses and flats and you have a sort of schoolgirl chic look..yum!

Would you like to participate in this meme challenge? I’d love to see what you can come up with, so please have a rummage in your inventory and get your denim on!

I suppose I’d better come up with some rules for this challenge, so here we go: You can wear as many denim pieces as you like, my only condition is that there MUST be at least one denim item in your outfit.  

Take a picture, tell us what inspired your look and please add a link in the comments so that we can all go and see your work! (A link back to this blog would be mighty appreciated too!)

Kitty Wears:

Hair: ‘Shade’ (Hud 03) by MAGIKA

Eyes: ‘Maya’ by IKON

Eyeliner and Septum Ring by MONS

Skin: ‘Skye’ tone 3 by NAR MATTARU (worn with ‘Brown Sugar’ eyeshadow under the eyeliner)

Top: Denim Top in ‘Indigo’ by BUENO at KUSTOM 9

Jacket: ‘Noah’ jacket in Coal by THE SECRET STORE

Necklace: Crystal Necklace by YUMMY

Skirt: FLF Exclusive Linen Skirt by NYU


Kitty’s Raves & Faves 2013- The Emery Denim Jacket

Kitty’s Raves & Faves 2013- The Emery Denim Jacket


I’m going to be writing about a few things that I’ve really loved this year, and share these articles with you as 2013 draws to a close. 

For me, 2013 has been about even better mesh creations and the wider uptake in general of mesh by designers for even the most relatively mundane items. It’s transformed so much around us in-world, not least of all the dreaded prim count. I constantly wear mesh items now. I can’t go back to sculpted items, I love mesh way too much. It may not be a perfect solution, but it’s as close as we have got, and I’m totally hooked on it. Our avatars have never looked better! (well, SOME of them perhaps…)

So here’s to my  first rave and fave which is this utterly wonderful denim jacket by EMERY. It’s called ‘Hollywood’ and I am totally star-struck by it. 

This jacket is my favourite one of 2013, and I’m sure you can immediately understand why.  I’ve been wearing it for months now, and consider it to be the ultimate denim jacket in Second Life. EVERYTHING about this is pure mesh perfection.  Why do I love it so much?Well, let me break it down for you; for starters the texture choice is spot on. Denim looks best when it’s worn, and this jacket suggests that it’s been loved and thrown about a bit. Crucial elements such as the collar and upturned cuffs are coloured perfectly and faded in all the right places;  just like they would be if the sleeves were turned inside out for example, and with just the right amount of creasing to the arm. Speaking of which, look at the sleeves; folds and creases and fabric lines are all perfectly placed.  This must have taken ages to make, and to me that speaks volumes about the creator, Sunami Beck.  It takes hours to work at something to make it look this good when worn, and as a virtual consumer I appreciate the work that has gone into this creation. Need further proof of how impeccable this is? Take a look at the stitching and look how the jacket has been highlighted in just the right areas to suggest wear and tear. Last but not least consider the buttons; they’re the right brassy colour and practically zing against the indigo blue.  Guys, this is top-tier Second Life clothing. It may be a relatively ordinary item, but by being crafted this beautifully it becomes something else entirely. This is denim perfection.Just like a well-loved jacket in real life this one can be worn in a myriad of ways. I prefer to add mine to dresses, tees and skirt combos worn with tights and slouchy socks for an urban, kitty-street style.This is, without a doubt, an essential addition to your virtual wardrobe, and it’s a mesh item that I am confident I will keep wearing for many years to come. I adore it.

You can get your own denim jacket for L$350 off the marketplace, or in-world, and trust me, you really need one of these in your Second Life!!