Now, here’s a thing. I’ve had such a positive response to my last post that I’ve decided to go the whole hog and do SEVEN DAYS WORTH OF DENIM!!!

I must be mad. I mean, I like denim, but not that much. In fact, that’s something that’s currently being reflected worldwide; sales of jeans by brands such as Levi and Wrangler are absolutely plummeting, and that’s a shame because denim is iconic.  Heck, I can remember falling in love with Nick Kamen and being completely enraptured by every single 501 advert that was subsequently broadcast.

So let’s have a play and see what we can do in the virtual world with this most fantastic of fabrics!  I think this challenge is going to be a lot of fun, and will give you some cracking ideas on how to style denim pieces lurking in the corners of your inventory.

Let’s begin: Here’s my look for Sunday (today, click on the pictures to see them in extreme close-up)  To start I’ve kept it nice and simple. I left my denim top and crystals on that I featured in my last post, but decided to make the look a little more polished. To do that I added the fabulous jacket from THE SECRET STORE that I threw a fit over a few posts back, as well as a gorgeous teal skirt that I picked up as a Fifty Linden Friday bargain, and I really don’t wear nearly as much as I should…

seven days of denimTo finish I’m wearing my favourite bunches, a style called ‘Shade’ by MAGIKA. To tie the tones together I’ve opted to keep my gorgeous NAR MATTARU ‘Skye’ skin, and make-up wise I’ve kept the eyeliner but opted for soft shades to coordinate with the colours in my hair and outfit. What do you think? I confess, I think it works quite well! No wonder I look so astonished! Add a satchel, some glasses and flats and you have a sort of schoolgirl chic look..yum!

Would you like to participate in this meme challenge? I’d love to see what you can come up with, so please have a rummage in your inventory and get your denim on!

I suppose I’d better come up with some rules for this challenge, so here we go: You can wear as many denim pieces as you like, my only condition is that there MUST be at least one denim item in your outfit.  

Take a picture, tell us what inspired your look and please add a link in the comments so that we can all go and see your work! (A link back to this blog would be mighty appreciated too!)

Kitty Wears:

Hair: ‘Shade’ (Hud 03) by MAGIKA

Eyes: ‘Maya’ by IKON

Eyeliner and Septum Ring by MONS

Skin: ‘Skye’ tone 3 by NAR MATTARU (worn with ‘Brown Sugar’ eyeshadow under the eyeliner)

Top: Denim Top in ‘Indigo’ by BUENO at KUSTOM 9

Jacket: ‘Noah’ jacket in Coal by THE SECRET STORE

Necklace: Crystal Necklace by YUMMY

Skirt: FLF Exclusive Linen Skirt by NYU


Berry’s Memes: Best & Worst Meme

Berry’s Memes: Best & Worst Meme

Time for another Blogger Challenge !

I’ve not completed one of these for a while, and this was a nice one to have a think about.  Many thanks to the ever-fabulous Strawberry Singh for providing this Meme! 

What is the best thing about Second Life?

There’s so much! For me, it allows me to just switch my RL brain off and engage with the virtual world as Kitty for a while, so that means shopping, dressing up and taking photographs, decorating a virtual space and exploring amazing locations. I love it; I still find so much new stuff to enjoy after almost 7 years in the world!

Worst thing about Second Life? 

DRAMA. Causing a fuss about nothing and hiding behind a keyboard is one of my pet-hates in the virtual world that I call home.  As I said in my recent 1500th blog-post there needs to be a lot more love and a lot less hate in Second Life right now, and trust me when I say that drama, and those who cultivate it, are always best avoided.

What’s the best thing in my inventory?

You know, I don’t think I can choose just one thing because I have new favourites practically every day! I think this year has been all about the Bazar Arizona house for me, so that’s definitely one of the best things in my inventory, even though I’m not living in it at the moment. What, you didn’t know? Shock horror! (There’s a blog post coming soon about my change of dwelling, although truth be told I miss my Arizona house..)

What’s the worst thing in my inventory?  

It’s probably a gesture. Oh my, can you remember when gestures were a thing? They were so annoying! I’ve been to so many gigs in the past where gestures spoiled the sets because people just wouldn’t quit it with them, especially a silly whip-cracking sound and action that used to drive me insane.

What’s the best thing you’ve learned because of SL?

 I’ve learned lots of things through my involvement in Second Life actually! For example, I’ve learned how to use WordPress through my blogging, and basic photo improvement and enhancement for the images that I feature on my blog.  I’ve acquired basic building skills in the world too, and although I will never create masterpieces I know enough for my own needs and requirements. (In other words, I know how to make a box. YAY ME!) You know there are probably lots of skills that I’ve acquired over the years through my involvement in this mad environment that we call home, and I’ve never really thought about it until now.  Wow!

What’s the worst thing you learned because of SL?

The realisation that haters are gonna hate, real life or Second Life or both.

Unfortunately, some do it incredibly well in both lives, but I reserve a special kind of loathing for people who generate shit-storms in Second Life as you can probably tell.

What’s the best thing about blogging? 

The best thing for me is when people like a post that I have written and they care enough to share that with me. Also, I’ve received some lovely notecards over the years from content creators thanking me for featuring their work, and I treasure those.  Receiving a blogging package always gives me a buzz, that’s never gone away, and being selected to blog an event is especially rewarding, although it can be stressful too  because you desperately want to do a good job for the event and the people that selected you. But most of all I love it when I’m writing about something that I’ve found in world and I know it’s fabulous and really want everyone else to see how amazing it is. I get a real buzz from that; blogging is my equivalent of jumping up and down on the spot whilst pointing and shouting “Look! LOOK AT THIS THING!! Isn’t it AMAZING?!” I’m like a kid in a sweetie shop when I have my blog-happy on!

What is the worst thing about blogging?

For me, it’s missing self-imposed deadlines and being my own worst critic. I’m a typical Virgo when it comes to self-critique!

Then there’s the panic that sets in when you haven’t had time to blog, and the feeling of failure when I go through one of my ‘bloggers block’ periods, and sadly there have been a couple of those over the years.  Also, it really annoys me when  people assume that I make money from blogging! I’ve had a few people seriously believe that I am paid for this, and nothing could be further from the truth! Also, I dislike it when people assume that EVERYTHING you blog about has been gifted to me. This year (my sixth year of blogging) has been my most fruitful in terms of items received, BUT I would say compared to other bloggers I receive very little. But that’s not a complaint on my part; I am always grateful for anything I receive and always try my best to blog what I get, although of course that’s not always possible.  I don’t like approaching designers and asking for items to blog either; although I have done it a few times this year in response to being invited to do so.  To be frank, I’d far rather retain my autonomy, and the creator be paid for their amazing work.

Best thing to have with french toast? 

And here’s where I lose some of my allure….what’s french toast?

Is it like eggy bread?! Look, I’m Northern, we don’t have french toast! We have crumpets or toasted teacakes or toast and jam, we don’t have french toast around these ‘ere parts!

Worst thing to have with french toast?

Seeing as I’m not sure exactly what it is, I’m going to say the worst thing is probably….spam.  I don’t imagine spam would go down very well with it at all! (That is, if French toast is what I think it is..)

OOOH HANG ON!! Berry said: “..The twist is, the final question you need to change and make up your own best & worst that you want to share..”

Right, scratch the french toast answer. Let me try again:

Best thing in the world ever? 


Worst thing in the world ever? 


There you go, simples! Be sure to pop on over to Berry’s Blog to see all the other participant answers!

Berry’s Weird Question Meme (Avatar Blogger Crossfit Challenge (Entry 14 of 30))

Berry’s Weird Question Meme (Avatar Blogger Crossfit Challenge (Entry 14 of 30))


Time for yet another meme challenge from Strawberry Singh! I enjoyed this one, VERY much:)

  1. What was the last sim you visited? (Other than your home)Truth (for the hairstyle above)
  2. Does your avatar look like the real you? No. In real life (click and be scarred forever!) I have really long hair that is in dire need of a trim, but I hate having my hair cut. Kitty has her hair in a bob/variations on a bob theme, which is how I would wear my hair if I ever had it cut, but seeing as I’m developing multiple chins it really won’t be flattering to do that. The only similarities between  the real me and Kitty are that we’re both quite pale. She’s a lovely looking thing actually. Cow.
  3. Do you wear underwear/panties underneath your clothing when out and about on the grid? Actually, I’ve recently started doing this, usually because Amanda Shinji will point out that she can see my clunge when we’re sat talking on the sofa. She’s not getting any cheap thrills off me, so pants from now on are the way forward!
  4. If you won a million linden dollars, what would be the first thing you buy inworld? A sim, or a couple of sims.  I’d buy a sim for Amanda, and pay rent on it forever, so she could do whatever the heck she wanted (I’m thinking race track here, natch!) My sim would just be my dream come true; I would have it designed and landscaped by the best people on the grid and my house would be furnished top to bottom in furniture from all my favourite designers. In fact, there’d probably be more than one house on the sim decorated in different styles. I’d have a place for Dad too, decorated in his favourite way.  I’d have a dock and a sailing area, and a space for parties, and quite frankly it would be smegging awesome. I’d open it up for parties and heck, I may even have a pub on the corner of the sim! Look, I’ve thought about this often (can you tell?) and my own sim and limitless prims would be a dream come true for me. Oh if only! <Chuckle>
  5. Have you ever bought something in SL and then realized afterwards that you had already owned it from before? Yes, sadly many times. I have a bit of a troll brain and I forget so quickly that I have things. Also my inventory is a mess, and it’s always a bit sticky-I’ve often bought things and checked beforehand, only to find that actually I did have them already. My inventory really does hate me to be honest. I think the items I’ve bought duplicates of most of all are hair and poses, but hey, more money for the maker right?
  6. Have you ever done anything in Second Life that would be considered illegal in real life? I doubt it very much, but if I did it was unintentional…and that’s my excuse and I stand by it M’lud!
  7. If you could go out on a date with any other avatar, who would it be? Hmmm, interesting question. I’ve always wanted to see Prad Pravithi naked, so..
  8. Who, in your opinion, was the greatest avatar to ever slive? Deedee Fadoodle.
  9. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done inworld? I rezzed into someone’s house once when they were having really dirty avatar sex. I noped very quickly out of there, let me tell you!
  10. If your avatar had a mind of its own, what do you think it would say to you? “I am NOT WEARING THAT! Are you mad?!”