LOTD: Wanna buy some Lemonade?

LOTD: Wanna buy some Lemonade?

Is July turning into events month or what? We’ve got the IDK event and THE EPIPHANY (a new Gacha-type event) both starting tomorrow and don’t even get me started on WIZARDING FAIR, WAYWARD CARNIVAL or PROJECT LIMITED, to name-check just a small selection of events in-world right now.  But fear not, dear readers, the list of events is endless and somewhat overwhelming, but I’ll only complain when I can’t get into them!

I just wanted to throw a very quick LOTD post at the blog because as regular visitors can tell, there are changes afoot.  First of all I’ve changed the page layout to a much more modern design. It also means I can feature more content on the front page so I think it more accurately reflects the amount of posts (and work *cough*) I put into Kittywitchin. I haven’t quite finished my blog tidy up just yet, but when I have you’ll be the first to know!

Anyway, on to my look for today something very plain and simple but effective nonetheless; no necklaces, rings or jewellery to speak of other than the lip rings in my PXL SWEET LIPS. (Which I adore so much, I really, really do. If you’re reading this Hart here’s a Kitty-customer request; please make some more with a bit of a smile will you? I love mine but I want to smile in my pictures more!)

Moving on from my visage and I’ve thrown on a tee-shirt from the unwashed pile in the deepest, darkest corner of my inventory that I had forgotten all about! I hadn’t unpacked it, I know right?! This is unheard of for me. I adore PIXICAT tops (Areve creates just the best tops, she really does) and my not having opened this particular one meant that when I purchased this something big must have been happening to prevent me opening the package. I mean something immense, seriously, like an asteroid hitting the planet, or a sink-hole swallowing me up.  Or, more likely is that I bought it and forgot but still, you get the point I’m sure!

I’ve teamed the top with an old favourite PSYCHO BYTS skirt, although it’s so teeny-tiny it would be the kind of thing that your Mum would call a belt and say you weren’t to leave the house in.  Enough jibber-jabber then, here’s my LOTD!

Front and centre is one of the HAIR FAIR 2015 new releases from LITTLE BONES. I’m wearing so much hair by this brand at the moment andas I keep saying it’s a real surprise to me because I really don’t go wild for the longer, multi-coloured styles, but this brand just has ‘something’ that gets me right in the virtual feels.  I don’t know what it is, but it works. Each style I’ve developed deep and meaningful feelings for from LITTLE BONES has been an absolute winner, and ‘Lemonade’ is no exception.

For a start, it’s called ‘Lemonade’, and for another, well, see for yourself…..


It’s a fizzy and sparkling (see what I did there?) over-the-shoulder ponytail but what sets it apart from the crowd are the little wisps and tendrils that frame the face.  There’s a little tiny bit of hair that falls from the parting onto the forehead and it absolutely slayed me; in fact, I probably bought the style because of that lock alone! But just look, isn’t it something? This is the dip-dyes hud and features some outstanding colour variations to enjoy. I’m somewhat in love with this hair, can you tell?

Last but not least, the tattoo that I’m wearing.  It’s called ‘Insidious’ and is by WHITE WIDOW, who I only found out about last week and have been sporting her  stunning ‘Tombstone’ tattoo from ANYBODY at every opportunity I can get (as has Jez, he’s currently wearing the male version).   Normally I wouldn’t have bought new ink so soon but I spotted this one at the WIZARDING FAIR and had to have it because of the owls in the design. It’s full of owls guys, ALL THE OWLS!

Here’s all the credits, happy shopping!
SKIN: ZOUL CREATIONS: Della (Sk1 DK brows Ch C)
LIPS: PXL ‘Sweet Lips’
EYES: IKON ‘Charm Eyes: Brown’ (Group Gift Feb 2015)
EARS: AITUI ‘Naked Gen 4’
BODY & HANDS: SLINK Physique (body) Casual (Hands)
TATTOO: WHITE WIDOW ‘Insidious’ WIZARDING FAIR 2015 (Includes system tattoo layers and appliers for EVE, Maitreya Lara, Brazilia, Belleza, #TheMeshProject, Omega, and SLink)

PIXICAT – WideCropTop (Stripe)
PSYCHO BYTS – Mini Skirt (Black)

Poses by FLASH FRIENDLY (LDF Set 1) Windlight used: Calwl

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