Berry’s Memes: My 10 SL Firsts Meme

Berry’s Memes: My 10 SL Firsts Meme


Berry strikes again! <shakes fist in comedy manner>

This time, I’m participating in her ’10 SL Firsts’ meme. I’m loving these memes; they’re becoming a weekly occurrence and are fun to participate in because they push all my nosy buttons!

I wanted to feature an image from my old Second Life days that fitted in well with the brief, but unfortunately a lot of my early pictures are lost to the elements.  I did manage to find this corking shot from 2009 though; I’m pretty sure I was dressed this way for a particular event because it’s not my normal style at all. I can’t recall the skin I’m wearing and I’m pretty sure the shape wasn’t my normal Kitty-style, hence my very different overall look. It’s not dated that badly because the styling is quite classic. Anyway, onto the meme!

  1. First SL Friend: Whoosh Shatner. He introduced me to SL, so it’s entirely his fault.
  2.  First SL Kiss: Jez, of course! On the rare occasions he’s logged in to SL I’ve jumped on him for snogs. Usually for photos, more often to annoy him. I’m good at that, in RL and SL. I’m sure you’re not surprised by that disclosure at all!
  3.  First SLex time/place/partner: Hahah! This would be Jez again! We had a really crummy ‘dirty hot-tub’ that I took some photos in for shiz ‘n’ giggles. I’ve never got off on nor understood virtual sex so it was only ever for a laugh. This must have been, crikey, about 2007, and at that time in real life Jez and I lived apart, so occasionally we would check in on SL instead of just talking on the phone. On this particular occasion I rezzed this freebie hot-tub and high-jinx ensued! On one photo, he’s behind me pulling a face that would be perfect for a porn shoot.I still have those pictures somewhere! (No I am not showing them to you!)
  4. First SL Partner/Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband: Jez.  Could only ever be him.  He’s my partner in RL and I could never partner myself to anyone else. It would be nice if he’d log-in world a bit more for adventures together, but then again, in real life  I only need to walk a few paces to see him and ask if he wants a cup of tea! I’m hoping, now that he has a new graphics card, he’ll venture in world a lot more. I’m trying to find out more about sailing in-world at the moment, as he was quite intrigued by it and I think it would be fun for him. (Any pointers?)
  5. First SL Job: My first and only SL job was as a reporter for ‘The Avastar’.
  6. First SL Creation: Probably my first ever shape, which still looks awesome today, even if I say so myself!
  7. First Encounter with a Linden: I interviewed Zee Linden for The Avastar, and he was a nice, but worried about being misquoted!. I met Spike a few times at the Three Lions, and he performed the marriage ceremony for Kai and Phill there dressed as a ham. A fabulous, very funny chap. The Linden that matters most to me is always Torley. I’ve encountered him a few times and each time I get all fan-girly and a bit silly. He’s just such a SLegend! If there is a God of Second Life, it’s Torley.
  8. First Encounter with a SLebrity Meeting Callie Cline for the first time was awesome! Callie, if readers aren’t familiar, is a Second Life legend. She was featured in the Maxim top 100! I think the first time we met was in her store and she was so lovely. I was nervous that I was talking to an established name, but I’ve spoken to her many times since and I count her as a friend, although I really don’t see her as much as I’d like. I’m always wary of pinging her because I know she’s so busy with Kittycats and stuff and things, so I never want to intrude on her time. Callie for me epitomises SLebrity, but then again, so does Strawberry Singh! Both these ladies for me exude the spirit of Second Life in their own way, hence their always being SLebrities in my eyes. I’ve also been photographed by Stephen Venkman, Prad Pravithi and Codebastard Redgrave, how amazing is that?  All of these people are friends in Second Life and are also trailblazers in the metaverse in their own right. My latest addition to my friends list is Draxtor Despres, the acclaimed Machinima artist and visionary. I’m addicted to his movies! I am a lucky Kitty to have such wonderful friends in-world, it’s such an honour and privilege.
  9. First SL Sim you fell in love with: Bourton Village. It wasn’t the most gorgeous sim by a long shot, but the reason I loved it so was because the Three Lions was there, and that was my happy place in Second Life. Three Lions I’ve written about on my blog many times (if you do an archive search you’ll find lots of hits) but that’s because it was such an important part of my early virtual existence. The Crown and Pearl was also equally adored by myself. It was a stunning build, but it was more to do with the people that participated, rather than the place itself. Good times, and I miss them.
  10.  First SL Blog Post:  That would be this one.  YIKES!!!

A final note; dredging through my blog for photos showed me so many posts I’d forgotten about and all of them feature memories of my time in Second Life that I really should pay more attention to.  It’s so good to see photos of friends enjoying themselves,  and so many photos and posts feature Dee, which is just fantastic.  So thanks for this meme Berry, it’s really put a smile on my chops.

One thought on “Berry’s Memes: My 10 SL Firsts Meme

  1. The picture is actually pretty awesome and not dated at all. You look beautiful in it! Also, you totally should have shared those pics in #3 😛 lol Thanks for playing again, I’m glad you’re liking the memes. ❤


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